Thursday 15 April 2010

Boys night out!

And so the night finally arrived! 20+ guys from Thriving Life converged on the bowling alleys at the Ice Bowl, Dundonald. The money was paid, the 'cool' shoes were adorned (various comments were made about the size of Mark's feet) and the lanes were assigned. It was down to business.

Gareth laid down the challenge with the claim that he was the one to beat, which in fact proved correct but we won't mention that!

Overall a great night was had by all. We laughed alot, we chatted and we bowled like we wanted to win. The golden arches provided a suitable end to a great night. Well done to Gareth for finishing top of the pile and to everyone else who finished somewhere beneath.

The aim of these nights is just to provide a opportunity for guys to spend time together and develop some friendships. If you are intertested in attending evenings similiar to this one, tick "Chill" on the SYNC card and leave us your details.

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