Wednesday 4 March 2009

Watch out - it's contagious!

On Sunday 22nd February TLC ran the opening night of the 'Becoming a Contagious Christian' course. This is a six week course designed to help normal everyday Christians share their faith with the people they work, live and play with.

It was wonderful to see so many people sharing stories and praying for their friends and families who don't yet know Christ, and what's more ... having fun doing it! We learned to identify our own personal style of evangelism and be relaxed and confident about it - instead of trying to be someone we're not.

Keith did a great job of leading us through the video teaching from course writers Mark Mittleberg and Lee Strobel as well as the times of interacting with each other.

During the break between sessions one and two, one attendee received news that someone they had been praying for in the first session had just accepted Christ that night. So we're all looking forward with anticipation to the next session!

Home of Hope Night

The climax of Ernie and Anna Smith's visit with us was billed as the 'Home of Hope' night. Ernie invited anyone from across the province who had ever served in Ukraine to attend and see the progress made to the Home of Hope. Over sixty people came - old and new faces. It was a great opportunity for peole to renew old acquanitances and for those of us going in the summer to put some faces to the names we have heard so much about and the building which God has blessed the church with.

Sorry its blurred but the Ukrainians like action in photos!

Valentine's Weekend

Love was in the air at TLC recently. In a fundraising effort for the Mission teams to Ukraine and Mexico, a classic rom-com "You've got mail" was shown at Comber Private Cinema on Friday 13th, whilst on Saturday 14th many people came to church to enjoy a romantic meal with their loved one (and a few other people as well)!