Monday 9 February 2009

Ukraine Visitors

Ernie and Anna Smith, missionaries with World Gospel Mission, arrived on Friday to spend 10 days visiting Thriving Life and a few other churches in the area. This is a great opportunity for those of us going to Ukraine to meet the Smiths and for the rest of us to put faces to the names.

On Saturday night, the leaders enjoyed dinner with the Smiths but there are many opportunities this week for everyone to spend time with these special people.

Monday and Wednesday night: 7.30pm
TLC Community Nights at David and Diane Hamilton's home.
Thursday @TLC: 7.30pm
Ernie is hosting a "Home of Hope" night" on Thursday. He will be sharing the vision for the continued work in Ukraine and plans to finish of the building work to the Home of Hope. This is open to anyone to attend, but be assured any of us who know Ernie know that we will be challenged by what he has to say.

Friday night: Valentines Film at Comber Private Cinema.

Saturday night: Chinese/ Indian Banquet at the church.

These opportunities come in the form of fund raisers for the mission teams visiting Ukraine and Mexico this summer. Places are still available for both of these. Contact any of the leaders for further information.

Sunday: Ernie speaking a TLC
Ernie is continuing our Influence series by looking at how God wants us to have influence on a world scale.

Leaders Weekend Away

Last weekend, the leaders had their annual weekend away - last year Nottingham, this year London - next year...

The men attended a Spring Harvest conference "Walk this way" focusing on how people learn and assimilate information in Kings College on Saturday. Gareth was particularly challenged about the role of preaching in the spiritual growth of individuals and how to encourage each church member to take responsibility for their own growth.
While they enjoyed their conference, they were 'miffed' at not being allowed to attend Melissa's Willowcreek "Gifted to Lead" conference with Nancy Beach. After several phone-calls they finally relented and gave into the fact that they were not going to be able to pose as women for the day. Melissa calls Nancy Beach her mentor from a-far and was particularly challenged by idea of encouraging other women to accept their God given calling to lead. She left thanking God that Thriving Life Church is open to the leading of God in the whole arena of women in leadership.
London was buzzing what with Chinese New Year and the Sri Lanken protest to which our male leaders threw their support!!!
A station closures and tube stops later, we all met up on the South Bank and enjoyed dinner overlooking Tower Bridge. Dave just about avoided frostbite in the taking of this picture (who goes to London in January without a coat?)
We headed back to the hotel to feedback from our conferences and engage in some exercises from Bill Hybels book "Courageous Leadership".
Sunday morning we were up bright and early again. We headed to Hillsong Church London which meets in the Dominion Theatre right in the heart of the West End. Apart from being amazed at the set up of the theatre itself, the size of the sound desk ( which would certainly get Jonny Clarke out of bed earlier) we were inspired by the worship and challenged deeply by the message from Sy Rogers. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit at work and people committing their lives to Christ.
By Sunday afternoon, sciffs of snow were staring to appear and we headed for the airport but by that stage it was all getting at bit much for some of us! The steps at Russell Square Tube station were more exercise than we had all had in a month! (Melissa in her eagerness ignored the sign, "Warning - only use stairs in emergencies" - the Cardiac ambulance was on standby at the top).
Thanks to Gary Haire for giving us a week off and to all TLC who were praying for us. It was an inspiring weekend.