Friday 15 June 2007

Our last precept meeting this term!

Lilian Allen has kindly been taking precept ministries with a group from the church for the past 4 months. We had been meeting one Wednesday a month. Last Wednesday completed our study on Joseph- keeping your focus when your dreams are shattered. It was a very interesting and challenging study giving the group a lot to think about!

Our final meeting was at Bobby and Helens house where we had a BBQ despite the rain. A great night was had by all and we are looking forward to the next study which will last for 10 months starting in Septmber. If you would like any information on the next study or Thriving life Church please do not hesitate to contact and we would be happy to answer any questions.

Below are some pictures from the final night!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Worship small group- our first social night

Thriving Life Church has a worship small group of 8 people. We meet every Tuesday night in Rick and Katies house to study what the Bible teaches about praise and worship and how we can best use our gifts in Thriving Life Church.
We have been meeting for 5 weeks. As a group we decided to get to know one another better by having a social night every 4 weeks. Due to the weather being so good recently our first social night took us to the Pirates crazy Golf in Dundonald.
A great night was had by all.

Here are some more pics below.