Tuesday 7 July 2009

The Big Event

The International Ministry Teams summer trips are approaching fast and in order to support the local churches in Mexico and Ukraine, Thriving Life Church hosted 'The Big Event' at Ringhaddy (courtesy of Nevin's Uncle!).

The sun shone (most of the day) and a great time was had by all. The Thriving Kids particularly enjoyed the Bouncy castle. There were some big kids that day!

The men (or boys!) enjoyed the games - there were a few aching joints and stiff legs the following morning!

The women enjoyed stealing away and engaging in quiet chats in the peaceful surroundings!

The BBQ was enjoyed by all. Burgers and sausages are always a hit and cooked to perfection! The new range of 'Provence Salads' from Rich Sauces went down well - available to buy soon in Tesco and all good retail outlets!

The money raised (over £1000 in total) will help the churches serve and meet the needs of the locals in these underprivileged areas of the world, while advancing the cause of the gospel. One happy thriver commented how they hadn't been able to be involved in any of the other fund-raising activities but just by turning up and enjoying themsleves as a family, they were helping people they would probably never meet! That's why the local church really is the hope of the world!

Monday 6 July 2009

Donard gets a little TLC!

SAM (Sports and Adventure Ministry) headed up the Mournes last Saturday. The aim was to reach the summit of Donard and get back down again in just 3 hours (slightly over-enthusiastic)!

However the photos tell the real success story of the day-a great opportunity to challenge ourselves physically and a fantastic chance to build community and friendship! For those who weren't adventurous enough - enjoy the photos!
That wasn't enough for die-hard walkers Audrey and Amanda, who ventured out the following day to complete an eight mile sponsored walk from Helen's Bay to Bangor and back. Funds raised are being taken out to Berdyansk with the Ukraine Team on 10th July 2009.