Thursday 18 June 2009

TLC hosts WCA conference

It was our pleasure and privelege to host the Willow Creek Association UK and Ireland and James Emery White on Monday 15th June.

Innovating for the church for the 21st century was the topic of the day and Jim White certainly challenged us about making church relevant to the culture around us and how we are contributing to that culture.

The wisdom and insight Jim shared from his experiences at Mecklenburg Church were fascinating, challenging and encouraging. It confirmed to us once again, that church really can be a place that people enjoy coming to and must address the issues that people deal with on a day to day basis.

Experiencing over 80% growth from unchurched people, Jim and the church at Meck, are a inspiration to all who attended the conference from TLC. The dream of becoming a church which sees people becoming passionate, committed followers of Jesus Christ on a regular basis, really is possible, but it takes hard work, dedication and innovation!

Above pictured: James Emery White (centre) with some of the leaders of TLC.
Check out some of his books at the resource area in the next few weeks:
Rethinking Church
Serious Times
Wrestling with God