Thursday 27 March 2008

New Series - Running on Empty!

We'd love you to join with us for the next 5 weeks as we examine some biblical principles on surviving and avoiding the stresses and strains of life in the fast lane! Sunday mornings, 10.30am, Ards Scout Hall.

Easter Weekend

The Easter celebration at TLC started with communion on Good Friday evening. We broke bread together and Jim led us in some refelections on the cross. As we prayed and sang, God met us in a very intimate way as we thanked Jesus once again for his sacrifice.

Easter Sunday was a wonderful day for our church! Nearly everyone who calls TLC their home was involved in making the service happen. From the set up and cleaning that was done on Friday, the 6 piece band who helped us worship our risen Saviour, a five piece drama team who led our thoughts at the opening of the service, the 'techies' at the back and the wonderful caterers and cooks who put together such a lovely lunch for us after the service, everyone used their gifts and talents to serve God.

We had been praying that God would use the service to meet people for the first time, to challenge them about who God is and their response to Him. He did that! We were able to rejoice at the end of the service that people had responded to God's challenges!

As we sat at the back of the Scout Hall around tables, with the sun streaming in through the windows eating our delicious soup- it felt like a very special moment in the life of Thriving Life Church! People of all ages, backgrounds and commitments sat together enjoying a meal, sharing life experiences and sharing Christ. Our God is an awesome God!

However there were some faces we missed on Sunday and although we wish you a restful holiday, we hope you'll hurry back to the family of the church!

Friday 21 March 2008

Friday Night Curry Club

Attention all men of the church! Friday 28th March 2008 sees the launch of the Friday Night Curry Club ( a very original name for a men's fellowship!). Meeting at David Varney's at 7.30pm, the night promises good food and great company. Provisions have even been made for those who don't like curry!

We can't let the ladies have all the fun! RSVP to Dave!

Sunday 9 March 2008

Change to Precepts Night!

Just to remind everyone that Precepts is on Tuesday (11th March) this month NOT Wednesday. We are looking at Lesson 6 so make sure you have your homework done!
Leisure Centre, club room @ 8pm.