Monday 23 June 2008

Meet Melissa!

Name: Melissa Mills
Family: Wife of Gareth, Mummy of Evie
Hobbies/ pastimes/ relaxation: My favourite way to spend a relaxing evening is baking cakes while listening to Classic FM - but I don't get to do this as much as I'd like! Going fun places with Evie and Gareth is also great!
What has God been teaching you recently? The past three years of TLC have been a tremendous learning curve for me. I feel like God has been trying to teach me something new every week.
I suppose the one thing that God has consistently challenged me about during this time is, that His plans are not our plans and His ways are not our ways. I always knew this in my head but for the past three years I have been living this.
There have been so many instances when I've struggled to understand why things have happened in certain ways, why God has allowed things to happen or why He has brought about situations. Yet I have been amazed when I've been able to see God's big picture and realised that His way was best afterall and that He knew what He was doing all along.
I've been put in positions that I would never have dreamt of being in and I've learnt that God's grace really is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness.
What do you enjoy most about TLC? So many things! I love that there are lots of different people from different walks of life, who are at different stages of their faith journey and they all call TLC their home. I love the community that I personally experience everytime I see or hear from fellow 'thrivers'. I thank God for TLC.

Thursday 19 June 2008

Meet Mervyn!

Name/Family: I'm Merv and Head of the Wylie clan which consists of my good wife, Pauline - a hard working teacher; my son, Michael, a doctor working in South Africa and my daughter, Catherine, who is still at school studying hard for her A-Levels.

Hobbies: I enjoy cycling as I once used to race - but I take it at a more leisurely pace these days! You could say I am very much a "fair weather" cyclist. I also enjoy walking and trekking in the mountains as it helps keep me fit. Relaxation for me comes in the form of listening to classical guitar music or getting together with friends to have a music session followed by a good chat.I also love cooking and catering for friends and family as I was a chef in a former life!

What Has God Been Teaching You Recently? You could say He's given me a clearer understanding of just how much He loves us and how He laid down His all that not one of us may be lost for all eternity. We who call ourselves Christ followers have a duty to do likewise - reaching out and drawing alongside the broken, the bruised, the lonely and the rejected so that they too can enjoy Christ's salvation and mercy in their lives. It is better by far to serve others and not count the cost as Christ first did for us.

What Do You Enjoy Most About TLC? This is quite difficult to quantify as there is so much. I have been a Christian for some 35 years yet once again I am excited and challenged by the mission, vision and direction of God's hand on TLC. The integrity and power of the preaching has turned people's lives around; the inclusiveness of the worship and the exciting use of people's God-given talents in drama and multi-media to convey God's word in a way that all can understand have been refreshing and uplifting.

I am both humbled and delighted to be part of a team of people who are committed to one another and to the ongoing work of TLC to see all people become committed, passionate Christ followers.

Nail Art

Last Friday, the women of TLC had a great night of fun and fellowship. Christine Dorrian demonstrated some 'nail art' for us and we attempted to copy some of her examples! Some of us took it more seriously than others and the competitive nature of some ladies emerged.

Christine had to help some of us more than others! Here she is taking pity on Pauline! We enjoyed a lovely supper and raised a grand total of £145 which will help with Chrsitine's forth-coming missions trip to Argentina!

Christine meets the Duke!

On a lovely sunny afternoon in late May, Colin, Marie and Christine Dorrian travelled to Hillsborough Castle to meet the Duke Of Edinburgh.

Christine was presented with her GOLD Duke of Edinburgh award. This is a tremendous achievement for Christine who has overcome serious health issues to complete this scheme. Well done Christine!

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Last day of Toddlers 08!

Tuesday, 10th June was the last day of Toddlers in the Scout Hall! Fun was had by all the usual suspects who were enjoying buns - as a special treat!

We as a church have really enjoyed this year. It has been an honour getting to know all the toddlers and your mummies as well! We wish all those who are moving on to nursery much happiness in the next years - we will miss you.

It's exciting times ahead of us as a church - the prospect of Toddlers recommencing in a new building is great and we're looking forward to many of you joining us after the move. Have a great summer!

Remember to keep us up to date with all the new additions to your families over the summer months!

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Roadworks and Parking!

Attention all Thrivers! Work commenced on the new link road today (Tuesday) reducing the size of the Scout Hall car park significantly! The only parking space will be directly infront of the building and will only accomodate approximately 7 cars.

Remembering that we are a church who wants to create a welcoming atmoshpere for visitors, we respectfully ask that all TLC people park in the shopping centre/MacDonalds car park opposite, leaving those spaces directly infront of the building for visitors and disabled. Of course this may mean that we will have to leave an extra 5 minutes for the walk across the road as church will still begin at 10.30am!

We should also be mindful that we have a siginifcant number of visitors in the last few weeks - if they are connected to you, please direct them to this blog or pass on the message.